New words.
FRESH. carn
STEED. "corcel"
EVIDENCE. proves
GRAVE. tomba
TOOLS. instruments
HEADLESS. sense cap
SCULL. crani
KNIGHT. cavaller
MUKY. tèrbol
SLAYINGS. assasinats
STEPMOTHER. madrastre
The characters.
Icharbalot crane
Dr lancaster
Magistrate philips
Mr. Van Tassel
Vand Ganeth
Windowr wirship

Characters, a description.
Katrina Van Tassel. Was a daughter of Baltus Van Tassel. She is beautiful, she has got a blond large hair and a big brown eyes. She is very mysterious and she talk with the spells for protect I Charbalot.

Icharbalot has got a black short hair and pale skin. Some times is a bit afraid, he is a inspector.
Icharbalot is dispached in Sleepy hollow to investigated a serie of slayings. In wich the victims have been found decapited. Where the arrived in the city, he started the investigation with the orphanated young Masbeth, whose father was a víctim of the Horseman. Icharbalot and Young Masbeth after alot of days to investigated they arribed a conclusion. They conclued that: one person told a Horseman who had to kill. And also they descobered that: If they return the skull to kinght, they stop to kill. Buth the slayings contiued until they discobered whi is the responsible, who is the person to told him to kill... One day Katrina discovered who was the person who said he had to kill the knight, it person was Lady Van Tassel her stepmother. The stepmother told the knight who kill the Katrina. But ICharbalot and young Masbeth help Katrina and returned the skull to knight. And the horse man took Lady Van Tassel and he take at his home. Finally ICharbalot, young Masbeth and Katrina went to New York.
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